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ELFHash(String) - Static method in class fmrisc.External.GeneralHashFunctionLibrary
Empty - Class in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands
The virtual "empty" command: do nothing.
Empty() - Constructor for class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands.Empty
create an "empty" command
enter(String) - Static method in class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT.MainSWT
Enter input denoted by string
enter(String) - Method in class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT.Top
Enter input denoted by string
enter() - Method in class fmrisc.Semantics.Environment
enter a new scope all changes done to the environment after enter() will be undone after exit()
Environment - Class in fmrisc.Semantics
The context that determines the meaning of identifiers.
Environment() - Constructor for class fmrisc.Semantics.Environment
create empty type and value environment
EnvironmentC - Class in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands
Command "environment": show environment (global or of current state).
EnvironmentC() - Constructor for class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands.EnvironmentC
Create an "environment" command
EOF - Static variable in interface fmrisc.ProofNavigator.PNParserTokenTypes
EOF - Static variable in interface fmrisc.Proving.CVCL.CVCLParserTokenTypes
EOL - Static variable in interface fmrisc.ProofNavigator.PNParserTokenTypes
EOL - Static variable in interface fmrisc.Proving.CVCL.CVCLParserTokenTypes
EQUALITY - Static variable in interface fmrisc.ProofNavigator.PNParserTokenTypes
EQUALITY - Static variable in interface fmrisc.Proving.CVCL.CVCLParserTokenTypes
equalsFormula(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class fmrisc.Syntax.Construct
construct equality with components base1 and base2
EqualsFormula - Class in fmrisc.Syntax
Handling of equalities.
EqualsFormula(Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class fmrisc.Syntax.EqualsFormula
construct equality with components base1 and base2
EQUIV - Static variable in interface fmrisc.ProofNavigator.PNParserTokenTypes
EQUIV - Static variable in interface fmrisc.Proving.CVCL.CVCLParserTokenTypes
equivalentFormula(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class fmrisc.Syntax.Construct
construct equivalence with components base1 and base2
EquivalentFormula - Class in fmrisc.Syntax
Handling of equivalences.
EquivalentFormula(Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class fmrisc.Syntax.EquivalentFormula
construct equivalence with components base1 and base2
existsFormula(TypedIdentifier[], Expression) - Static method in class fmrisc.Syntax.Construct
construct existentially quantifed formula of variables and base formula
ExistsFormula - Class in fmrisc.Syntax
Handling of universally quantified formulas.
ExistsFormula(TypedIdentifier[], Expression) - Constructor for class fmrisc.Syntax.ExistsFormula
construct exists formula of variables and base formula
existsProof(FormulaSymbol) - Method in class fmrisc.Communication.Store
Check whether store holds proof of formula.
exit(int) - Static method in class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Main
Terminate program with denoted exit code.
exit() - Method in class fmrisc.Semantics.Environment
exit a scope all changes done after the after the last enter() are undone
Expand - Class in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands
Command "expand": expand a definition.
Expand(Identifier[], String[]) - Constructor for class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands.Expand
Create an "expand" command.
Expression - Interface in fmrisc.Syntax
Interface to expressions (terms and formulas).
ExpressionBase - Class in fmrisc.Syntax
Base class of all expressions (terms and formulas)
ExpressionBase() - Constructor for class fmrisc.Syntax.ExpressionBase
extend(ProofState, ProofState[]) - Method in class fmrisc.Proving.Proof
Inform proof that state was extended by children.
extend(Command, ProofState[]) - Method in class fmrisc.Proving.ProofState
command extends current state by adding and labeling children

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