Package fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands

Interface Summary
Command Interface to commands.
ProofCommand Interface to proof commands.

Class Summary
Assume Commnand "assume": split proof state by an assumption and its proof.
Auto Command "auto": try to close state by automatic instantiation of quantified formulas.
AutoStar command "autostar": apply auto to current node and its successor siblings.
Case The "case" command: split state into multiple cases.
CommandBase Base class of commands.
ContextC Command "newcontext": change context to denoted path.
CounterExample Command "counterexample": show potential counterexample for current state (may be time-consuming)
DeclarationC Virtual command "declaration": process declaration in current environment
Decompose command "decompose": decompose proof state by repeated skolemization and flattening.
Empty The virtual "empty" command: do nothing.
EnvironmentC Command "environment": show environment (global or of current state).
Expand Command "expand": expand a definition.
Flatten Command "flatten": decompose compound formulas without splitting the state.
FormulaC Command "formula": print value of formula identifier.
Goto The "goto" command: goto an open proof state.
Induction Command "induction": induction on a univerally quantified NAT/INT variable.
Instantiate The "instantiate" command: instantiate a quantified formula.
Lemma The "lemma" command: import other formulas.
Next The "next" command: goto next open proof state.
Open The "open" command: display the list of open states.
Option The "option" command: set a system option.
Prev The "prev" command: goto previous open proof state.
ProofC Command "proof": print proof tree.
ProofCommandBase Base class of proof commands.
Prove "prove": prove goal formula.
Quit "quit": quit from current proof or session.
Read Command "read": read command from denoted file.
Redo The "redo" command: goto an open proof state and redo its proof.
Scatter command "scatter": scatter proof state by repeated decomposition and goalsplitting.
Simplify Command "simplify": simplify a proof state.
Split Command "split": split a proof state.
StateC Command "state": print denoted state.
TCC "tcc": print type checking conditions generated from last declaration.
TypeAxiom The "typeaxiom" command: instantiate a quantified type axiom.
TypeC Command "type": print value of type identifier.
Undo The "undo" command: goto a closed proof state and undo its proof.
ValueC Command "value": print value of value identifier.