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has(Expression) - Method in class fmrisc.Proving.GroundExpressions
Check whether collection contains expression.
hasChanged(Declaration) - Method in class fmrisc.Communication.Store
Signal whether declaration has changed compared to that in store.
hasChanged(HashMap, Collection) - Method in class fmrisc.Communication.Store
Signal whether dependencies have changed compared to that in store.
hasChanged() - Method in class fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT.ProofTreeItem
Signal that proof state has changed.
hasChanged(boolean) - Method in class fmrisc.Proving.ProofState
Signal that state has changed updating presentation of this state.
hasChanged() - Method in interface fmrisc.Proving.ProofStateListener
Called if proof state has changed.
hash(String, int) - Static method in class fmrisc.Proving.ProofUtil
hash string representation of an object to a short word
hasType(Expression, Type, Type, boolean) - Static method in class fmrisc.Semantics.Checking
returns true iff expr of type etype matches type.

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