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add(int, int, TermAtom, TermAtom) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.Contour
add(T) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.EquationSystem
Adds a new equation to this system.
add(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Hedge
add(TermAtom) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Hedge
add(TermAtom) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.TermAtomList
add(long) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.util.IntList
addAll(TermNode...) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Hedge
addAll(TermAtom...) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Hedge
addAll(Hedge) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Hedge
addAll(IntList) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.util.IntList
addAllRootIdx(int, int) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment
addAtom(Alignment.AlignmentAtom) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment
addFirst(T) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.EquationSystem
Adds a new equation to this system as head.
addLeft(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
addLeft(TermNode) - Method in interface at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Equation
Adds a TermNode to the left hedge of the equation.
addRight(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
addRight(TermNode) - Method in interface at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Equation
Adds a TermNode to the right hedge of the equation.
addToHedge(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.NodeFactory
AlignFnc - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
This is the common super class for all alignment computation functions, which compute a list of alignments for two given sequences ( TermAtomLists) of TermAtoms.
AlignFnc() - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AlignFnc
AlignFnc.AlignmentIterator - Interface in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
AlignFncInput - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
AlignFncInput() - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AlignFncInput
AlignFncLAA - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
Implementation of an alignment computation function with longest subsequence.
This implementation combines the common subsequence generator and the admissibility test.
AlignFncLAA() - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AlignFncLAA
AlignFncLAA.AlignmentIter - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
AlignFncLAA.AlignmentIter(AntiUnifyProblem.CommutativeArrangementIter, IntList, int) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AlignFncLAA.AlignmentIter
Alignment - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data
Alignment() - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment
Creates an alignment with initial capacity 16.
Alignment(int) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment
Creates an alignment with the given initial capacity.
Alignment.AlignmentAtom - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data
An Alignment.AlignmentAtom consists of two TermAtoms.
Alignment.AlignmentAtom(TermAtom, TermAtom) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment.AlignmentAtom
AntiUnify - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
This class encapsulates the rule based system AntiUnifySystem and allows to justify the result by back substitution of the generalization with the reported differences inside the computed store.
AntiUnify(AlignFnc, EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem>, DebugLevel) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnify
AntiUnify(AlignFnc, EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem>, int, int, boolean, DebugLevel) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnify
antiUnify(boolean, boolean, PrintStream) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnify
antiUnify(PrintStream) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnify.AntiUnifyOne
Calls the rule based system AntiUnifySystem and tries to justify the computed result if the second argument of this method is true.
AntiUnify.AntiUnifyOne - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
AntiUnify.AntiUnifyOne(AntiUnifyProblem) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnify.AntiUnifyOne
AntiUnifyProblem - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
This class represents an anti-unification problem (AUP) which consists of one generalization variable (the most general generalization), and two Hedges.
AntiUnifyProblem(Hedge, Hedge, Alignment) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
Create an AUP with fresh generalization variables and the given hedges.
AntiUnifyProblem() - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
Obtain an empty AUP with fresh generalization variables.
AntiUnifyProblem.CommutativeArrangementIter - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
AntiUnifyProblem.VariableWithHedges - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
AntiUnifyProblem.VariableWithHedges(Variable, Hedge, Hedge) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnifyProblem.VariableWithHedges
antiUnifySingleAup(AntiUnifyProblem, boolean, boolean, PrintStream) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnify
AntiUnifySystem - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
This class represents a rule based system for rigid anti-unification of unranked terms and hedges.
The algorithm is described in the paper:
Alexander Baumgartner, Temur Kutsia, Anti-Unification for Unranked Terms and Hedges with Hedge- and Context Variables.
AntiUnifySystem(EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem>, Substitution, boolean) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo.AntiUnifySystem
Creates and initializes the rule based system.
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>, TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.atom.ContextVar
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>, TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.atom.FunctionVar
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>, TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.atom.TermAtom
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>, TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.atom.Variable
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Hedge
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.TermNode
Applies a substitution recursively and returns the new TermNode.
at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo - package at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.algo
This package contains the classes of the rule based system AntiUnifySystem, the corresponding problem definition AntiUnifyProblem and some standard implementations of a rigidity function (AlignFncLAA, AlignFncInput ).
at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data - package at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data
This package contains the classes which are needed to build up the term tree.
at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.atom - package at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.atom
This package contains all the atomic types like FunctionSymbol, TermVar, HedgeVar.
at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.util - package at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.util
This package contains utility classes like the DataStructureFactory which instantiates common data structures like Lists, Maps, Sets.
atomLeft - Variable in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment.AlignmentAtom
atomRight - Variable in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.Alignment.AlignmentAtom
atoms - Variable in class at.jku.risc.stout.urauc.data.TermAtomList
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