Uses of Class

Packages that use Identifier

Uses of Identifier in fmrisc.Communication

Methods in fmrisc.Communication that return Identifier
static Identifier Store.toIdentifier(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          Convert DOM node to identifier.
static Identifier OpenMath.toIdentifier( om)
          Convert OpenMath expression to identifier..

Methods in fmrisc.Communication with parameters of type Identifier
 void MathML.appendIdentifier(org.w3c.dom.Node parent, Identifier object)
          Convert identifier to DOM representation of HTML/MathML markup.

Uses of Identifier in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands that return Identifier
 Identifier Prove.getIdent()
          get name of formula to be proved

Constructors in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands with parameters of type Identifier
Expand(Identifier[] idents, java.lang.String[] labels)
          Create an "expand" command.
FormulaC(Identifier ident)
          Create a "formula" command.
Induction(Identifier var, java.lang.String label)
          Create an "induction" command.
Lemma(Identifier[] idents)
          Create a "lemma" command.
ProofC(Identifier ident)
          Create a "proof" command.
Prove(Identifier ident)
          create a prove command
StateC(java.lang.String label, Identifier ident)
          Create a "state" command
TypeC(Identifier ident)
          Create a "type" command.
ValueC(Identifier ident)
          Create a "value" command.

Uses of Identifier in fmrisc.Proving

Methods in fmrisc.Proving with parameters of type Identifier
 void Proof.referenced(Identifier ident)
          Mark identifier as referenced in current proof.

Uses of Identifier in fmrisc.Proving.CVCL

Methods in fmrisc.Proving.CVCL with parameters of type Identifier
 Expression CVCLFormulaMask.getFormula(Identifier mask)
          Get formula associated to mask identifier

Uses of Identifier in fmrisc.Semantics

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics that return Identifier
 Identifier Symbol.getIdentifier()
          Get identifier associated to symbol.
 Identifier SymbolBase.getIdentifier()
          get identifier associated to symbol

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type Identifier
 Expression FormulaTable.getFormula(Identifier key)
          returns formula associated to key
 FormulaSymbol Environment.getFormulaSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns symbol associated to name (null, if none)
 ValueSymbol ValueTable.getSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns symbol associated to name (null, if none)
 TypeSymbol TypeTable.getSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns symbol associated to name (null, if none)
 FormulaSymbol FormulaTable.getSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns symbol associated to name (null, if none)
 Type Environment.getType(Identifier name)
          returns canonical type associated to key type equality implies pointer equality of types.
 Type TypeTable.getType(Identifier key)
          returns canonical type associated to key type equality implies pointer equality of types.
 TypeSymbol Environment.getTypeSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns type symbol associated to key
 ValueSymbol Environment.getValueSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns symbol associated to name (null, if none)

Constructors in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type Identifier
SymbolBase(Identifier ident)
          construct symbol with given identifier

Uses of Identifier in fmrisc.Syntax

Subclasses of Identifier in fmrisc.Syntax
 class FormulaDeclIdentifier
          Handling of identifiers used in type declarations
 class Reference
          Handling of identifiers used in declarations
 class TypeDeclIdentifier
          Handling of identifiers used in type declarations
 class ValueDeclIdentifier
          Handling of identifiers used in value declarations

Methods in fmrisc.Syntax that return Identifier
 Identifier ValueDeclaration.getIdentifier()
          returns declaration name
 Identifier TypeDeclaration.getIdentifier()
          returns declaration name
 Identifier FormulaDeclaration.getIdentifier()
          returns declaration name
 Identifier Declaration.getIdentifier()
          Returns declaration name.