Uses of Class

Packages that use ProofState

Uses of ProofState in fmrisc.Communication

Methods in fmrisc.Communication with parameters of type ProofState Presenter.getFile(ProofState state)
          Construct file name for proof state Presenter.writeProofState(ProofState state)
          Write proof state and return corresponding file.

Uses of ProofState in fmrisc.ProofNavigator

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator that return ProofState
static ProofState[] State.getReplayChildren()
          Set children of current proof state during proof replay.

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator with parameters of type ProofState
static void Main.setProofState(ProofState state)
          Signal current proof state.
static void State.setReplayChildren(ProofState[] children)
          Set children of current proof state during proof replay.

Uses of ProofState in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands that return ProofState
 ProofState[] ProofCommand.process(ProofState state)
          process proof state.
 ProofState[] ProofCommandBase.process(ProofState state)
          process proof state (in environment denoted by that state).

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.Commands with parameters of type ProofState
 ProofState[] ProofCommand.process(ProofState state)
          process proof state.
 ProofState[] ProofCommandBase.process(ProofState state)
          process proof state (in environment denoted by that state).

Uses of ProofState in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT that return ProofState
 ProofState ProofTreeItem.getState()
          Return proof state associated to item.

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT with parameters of type ProofState
static void ProofTreeItem.setNodes(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree tree, ProofState root)
          Set tree to visualize the state tree with the denoted root state.
 void Top.setProofState(ProofState state)
          Signal current proof state.
static void MainSWT.setProofState(ProofState state)
          Signal current proof state.

Uses of ProofState in fmrisc.Proving

Methods in fmrisc.Proving that return ProofState
 ProofState[] ProofState.getChildren()
          get children of proof state
 ProofState Proof.getCurrent()
          get current open proof state
 ProofState Proof.getOpenGoal()
          get open leaf goal
 ProofState[] Proof.getOpenGoals()
          get open leaf goals
 ProofState ProofState.getParent()
          get parent of proof state
 ProofState Proof.getRoot()
          get root of proof
 ProofState Formula.getState()
          Get proof state of formula.
 ProofState Proof.getState(java.lang.String tag)
          Get proof state with denoted tag.
static ProofState Instantiating.instantiate(Formula formula)
          Extend proof state by instantiations of given formula
static ProofState Instantiating.instantiate(Formula[] formulas)
          Extend proof state by instantiations of given formulas
static ProofState Instantiating.instantiate(ProofState state)
          Extend given proof state by instantiations of quantified formulas.
static ProofState[] ProofUtil.toProofStateArray(java.util.Vector v)
          converts vector v of ProofState objects to ProofState array

Methods in fmrisc.Proving with parameters of type ProofState
 void Proof.close(ProofState state)
          Inform proof that state was closed.
static GroundExpressions GroundExpressions.compute(ProofState state)
          Compute collection of ground subexpressions of a proof state.
 void Proof.cut(ProofState state)
          Cut proof at denoted state.
 void ProofState.extend(Command command, ProofState[] children)
          command extends current state by adding and labeling children
 void Proof.extend(ProofState state, ProofState[] children)
          Inform proof that state was extended by children.
 void Proof.extend(ProofState state, ProofState[] children)
          Inform proof that state was extended by children.
static ProofState Instantiating.instantiate(ProofState state)
          Extend given proof state by instantiations of quantified formulas.
 boolean Proof.redo(ProofState state)
          Redo proof at denoted state.
 boolean Proof.replay(ProofState state)
          Replay skeleton proof on proof state and its children.
 void ProofState.setChildren(Command command, ProofState[] children)
          set children of proof state
 void Proof.setCurrent(ProofState state)
          set current open proof state
 void ProofState.setParent(ProofState parent)
          set parent of proof state
static boolean ProverReasoning.simplify(ProofState state, boolean hard, boolean generate)
          Simplify the current proof state and potentially close it.
static boolean ProverReasoning.simplify(ProofState state, Formula formula, boolean hard)
          Simplify a single formula in some proof state.

Constructors in fmrisc.Proving with parameters of type ProofState
Formula(ProofState state, Expression formula, boolean isGoal)
          construct a formula from an expression
Formula(ProofState state, Formula formula)
          construct a copy of the given formula in the denoted state
ProofState(ProofState parent, Environment env)
          construct a proof state without path and formulas yet