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add(T) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.EquationSystem
add(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.Hedge
add(TermAtom) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.TermAtomList
add(int, int) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.util.CoordList
addAtom(TermAtom, int, int) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AlignmentList.Alignment
addLeft(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
addLeft(TermNode) - Method in interface at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.Equation
Adds a TermNode to the left hedge of the equation.
addRight(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
addRight(TermNode) - Method in interface at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.Equation
Adds a TermNode to the left hedge of the equation.
addToHedge(TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.NodeFactory
AlignmentList - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
A list of AlignmentList.Alignment elements which is pooled.
AlignmentList.Alignment - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
AlignmentList.Alignment.AlignmentAtom - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
An AlignmentList.Alignment.AlignmentAtom consists of an TermAtom and two indexes for the positions of the atom inside the two hedges of an Equation.
AntiUnify - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
This class encapsulates the rule based system AntiUnifySystem and takes care of the system branching.
AntiUnify(RigidityFnc, EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem>, DebugLevel) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnify
antiUnify(boolean, PrintStream) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnify
Start computation with the specified PrintStream to show the progress of the computation.
AntiUnifyProblem - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
This class represents an anti-unification problem (AUP) which consists of one generalization variable (the most general generalization), and two Hedges.
AntiUnifyProblem(Variable, TermNode, TermNode) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
Create an AUP with the given generalization variable and hedges.
AntiUnifyProblem(Hedge, Hedge) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
Create an AUP with a fresh hedge variable as generalization variable and the given hedges.
AntiUnifyProblem() - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnifyProblem
Obtain an empty AUP with a fresh hedge variable as generalization variable.
AntiUnifySystem - Class in at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
This class represents a rule based system for rigid anti-unification of unranked terms and hedges.
The algorithm G(R) is described in the paper:
Temur Kutsia, Jordi Levy, Mateu Villaret.
AntiUnifySystem(Queue<AntiUnifySystem>, RigidityFnc, EquationSystem<AntiUnifyProblem>, boolean) - Constructor for class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AntiUnifySystem
Most likely you don't need this constructor because the algorithm is encapsulated in the class AntiUnify which is much easier to use.
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>, TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.atom.TermAtom
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>, TermNode) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.atom.Variable
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.Hedge
apply(Map<Variable, TermNode>) - Method in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.TermNode
Applies a substitution recursively and returns the new TermNode.
at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo - package at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo
This package contains the classes of the rule based system AntiUnifySystem, the corresponding problem definition AntiUnifyProblem and some standard implementations of a rigidity function (RigidityFncSubsequence, RigidityFncSubstring ).
at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data - package at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data
This package contains the classes which are needed to build up the term tree.
at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.atom - package at.jku.risc.stout.urau.data.atom
This package contains all the atomic types like Function, TermVar, HedgeVar.
at.jku.risc.stout.urau.util - package at.jku.risc.stout.urau.util
This package contains utility classes like the DataStructureFactory which instantiates common data structures like Lists, Maps, Sets.
atom - Variable in class at.jku.risc.stout.urau.algo.AlignmentList.Alignment.AlignmentAtom
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