GLITE Tutorial


  Executable = "program";
  Rank = -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime;
All suitable CEs are ranked according to some notion of "goodness".
  • Rank: a numeric quantity that is the higher the better the CE is for executing the job.
    The rank may be defined by referring to the attributes of the GLUE Schema.
  • Default (no Rank attribute): -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime
    The smaller the estimated response time (the time interval between job submission and start of job execution), the higher the rank.
  • Alternative: other.GlueCEStateFreeCPUs
    The more free CPUs, the higher the rank.
  • Also possible:
      other.GlueCEStateWaitingJobs == 0 ? 
        other.GlueCEStateFreeCPUs : -other.GlueCEStateWaitingJobs;
    If the number of waiting jobs is zero, the rank is the number of free CPUs, otherwise it is the negation of the number of waiting jobs.
From the suitable CEs, the one with the highest rank is selected for executing the job.