GLITE Tutorial

Advanced gLite: MPI Jobs

  Type = "job";
  JobType = "mpich";
  NodeNumber = 6;
  Requirements = 
  Rank = other.GlueCEStateFreeCPUs;
Jobs may denote parallel programs that use the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
Must use of the MPI network implementation MPICH-P4.
  • Type: type of the request described by the JDL.
  • JobType: type of the job described by the JDL.
  • NodeNumber: number of worker nodes (WNs) needed on CE.
  • Requirements: job is submitted to cluster whose nodes can be accessed from Internet.
    No private subnet (NAT).
  • Rank: the higher the number of free CPUs, the better.
gLite provides experimental support for the execution of MPI applications running on different worker nodes (WNs) of a CE and communicating over the network.