B.2.7 Abort Prover ActivityB.2 Control CommandsB.2.5 goto: Go to Another Open Proof StateB.2.6 counterexample: Generate Counterexample

B.2.6 counterexample: Generate Counterexample



Alternative Invocations


In proving mode.


A decision procedure may generate for the current proof state

[E] A_1, A_2, ..., A_n |- B_1, B_2, ..., B_m

a counterexample, i.e. an interpretation for the constants declared in the environment E which it believes to satisfy the formula

A_1 /\ A_2 /\ ... /\ A_n /\ ~B_1 /\ ~B_2 /\ ... /\ ~B_m

The counterexample is given as a conjunction of equations c=t respectively c(...)=t for non-Boolean constants/functions c and of atomic propositions p respectively p(...) for Boolean constants/functions (i.e. predicates) p.


The presented counterexample is often verbose and not very helpful. This counterexample is actually only a part of the counterexample generated by the decision procedure where (seemingly) uninteresting conditions have been removed. The generation of the counterexample may take some time; this process may be interrupted by pressing the abort button .

Wolfgang Schreiner

B.2.7 Abort Prover ActivityB.2 Control CommandsB.2.5 goto: Go to Another Open Proof StateB.2.6 counterexample: Generate Counterexample