Uses of Class

Packages that use ValuedIdentifier

Uses of ValuedIdentifier in fmrisc.Syntax

Methods in fmrisc.Syntax that return ValuedIdentifier
 ValuedIdentifier[] RecordTerm.getBase()
          returns base terms
 ValuedIdentifier ValuedIdentifier.instantiate()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
static ValuedIdentifier[] ASTUtil.toValuedIdentifierArray(java.util.Vector v)
          converts vector v of ValuedIdentifer objects to ValuedIdentifier array
static ValuedIdentifier Construct.valuedIdentifier(Reference identifier, Expression value)
          construct identifier with value from identifier and value.

Methods in fmrisc.Syntax with parameters of type ValuedIdentifier
static RecordTerm Construct.recordTerm(ValuedIdentifier[] base)
          construct record term of base terms

Constructors in fmrisc.Syntax with parameters of type ValuedIdentifier
RecordTerm(ValuedIdentifier[] base)
          construct record term