Uses of Interface

Packages that use Type

Uses of Type in fmrisc.Communication

Methods in fmrisc.Communication that return Type
static Type Store.toType(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          Convert DOM node to type.
static Type OpenMath.toType( om)
          Convert OpenMath type to AST.

Methods in fmrisc.Communication with parameters of type Type
 void MathML.appendType(org.w3c.dom.Node parent, Type object)
          Convert type to DOM representation of HTML/MathML markup.
 void PrettyPrinter.print(Type type)
          Pretty-print type.

Uses of Type in fmrisc.ProofNavigator

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator that return Type
 Type PNParser.typeExp()
 Type PNParser.typeExpBase()

Uses of Type in fmrisc.Proving.CVCL

Methods in fmrisc.Proving.CVCL that return Type
 Type CVCLParser.typeExp()
 Type CVCLParser.typeExpBase()

Uses of Type in fmrisc.Semantics

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics that return Type
static Type Checking.canonical(Type type)
          Returns canonical version of type (equality of two types implies the equality of the canonical version of the types).
static Type Checking.canonicalTcc(Type type)
          Returns canonical version of type (equality of two types implies the equality of the canonical version of the types).
static Type Checking.getBooleanType()
          Get canonical type BOOLEAN
static Type Checking.getIntType()
          Get canonical type INT
static Type Checking.getNatType()
          Get canonical type NAT
 Type ValueSymbol.getType()
          Return type of symbol.
 Type TypeSymbol.getType()
          Return type of symbol.
 Type TypeExpression.getType()
          get type
 Type Environment.getType(Identifier name)
          returns canonical type associated to key type equality implies pointer equality of types.
 Type TypeTable.getType(Identifier key)
          returns canonical type associated to key type equality implies pointer equality of types.
static Type Checking.process(Expression value)
          type check value
static Type Checking.subType(Type type0, Type type1)
          return greatest subtype of type0 and type1 (null, if none exists) does not generate tccs.

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type Type
static Type Checking.canonical(Type type)
          Returns canonical version of type (equality of two types implies the equality of the canonical version of the types).
static Type Checking.canonicalTcc(Type type)
          Returns canonical version of type (equality of two types implies the equality of the canonical version of the types).
static TypeExpression Checking.clearSubtypes(Type type, Expression exp)
          return version of type where subtypes and subranges (including NAT) are replaced by their base types; the corresponding constraints are returned as a formula which a corresponding expression exp has to fulfill
static java.util.Vector FreeVariables.compute(Type type)
          Compute free variables of type.
static boolean Checking.hasType(Expression exp, Type etype, Type type, boolean tcc)
          returns true iff expr of type etype matches type.
static boolean Checking.isBoolean(Type type)
          checks if type equals BOOLEAN
static boolean Checking.isInt(Type type)
          checks if type equals INT
static boolean Checking.isNat(Type type)
          checks if type equals NAT
 TypeSymbol TypeTable.put(TypeDeclIdentifier key, Type type)
          put type in type table
 ValueSymbol ValueTable.put(ValueDeclIdentifier name, Type type, Expression value, int depth)
          put named value in value table
 TypeSymbol Environment.putType(TypeDeclIdentifier name, Type type)
          put type in type table
 ValueSymbol Environment.putValue(ValueDeclIdentifier name, Type type, Expression value)
          put named value in value table
 void ValueSymbol.setType(Type type)
          Set type of symbol.
 void TypeSymbol.setType(Type type)
          Set type of symbol to type.
 void TypeExpression.setType(Type type)
          set type
static Type Checking.subType(Type type0, Type type1)
          return greatest subtype of type0 and type1 (null, if none exists) does not generate tccs.

Constructors in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type Type
TypeExpression(Type type, Expression exp)
          Construct pair of type and exp

Uses of Type in fmrisc.Syntax

Classes in fmrisc.Syntax that implement Type
 class ArrayType
          Handling of array types.
 class AtomicType
          Handling of atomic types.
 class FunctionType
          Handling of function type expressions
 class LetType
          Handling of terms with local bindings.
 class RecordType
          Handling of record types.
 class Reference
          Handling of identifiers used in declarations
 class SubrangeType
          Subranges of integers.
 class SubType
          Predicated subtypes.
 class TupleType
          Handling of tuple types.
 class TypeBase
          Base class of type expressions.

Methods in fmrisc.Syntax that return Type
 Type SubType.getBase()
          returns base type
 Type[] TupleType.getBase()
          returns base types
 Type ArrayType.getBase()
          returns base type
 Type LetType.getBase()
          get base type
 Type[] FunctionType.getDomain()
          returns domain of type
 Type ArrayType.getIndex()
          returns index type
 Type FunctionType.getRange()
          returns range of type
 Type ValueDeclaration.getType()
          returns declaration type
 Type TypedIdentifier.getType()
          returns identifier type
 Type TypeDeclaration.getType()
          returns declaration type
 Type SubType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type RecordType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type SubrangeType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type Reference.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type TupleType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type ArrayType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type AtomicType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type LetType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type Type.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
 Type FunctionType.instantiateType()
          return copy of AST with value references instantiated by the substitutions set in the corresponding declaration identifiers
static Type[] ASTUtil.toTypeArray(java.util.Vector v)
          converts vector v of Type objects to Type array

Methods in fmrisc.Syntax with parameters of type Type
static ArrayType Construct.arrayType(Type index, Type base)
          construct array type with denoted index type and base type.
static FunctionType Construct.functionType(Type[] domain, Type range)
          construct function type from types domain and range.
static FunctionType Construct.functionType(Type[] domain, Type range)
          construct function type from types domain and range.
static LetType Construct.letType(TypeDeclaration[] declarations, Type base)
          construct let type of declarations and base type
 void SubType.setBase(Type base)
          set base type
static TupleType Construct.tupleType(Type[] base)
          construct tuple type with denoted base types.
static TypeDeclaration Construct.typeDeclaration(TypeDeclIdentifier name, Type type)
          construct type declaration with denoted name and type.
static TypedIdentifier Construct.typedIdentifier(ValueDeclIdentifier identifier, Type type)
          construct typed identifier from identifier and type.
static ValueDeclaration Construct.valueDeclaration(ValueDeclIdentifier name, Type type, Expression value)
          construct value declaration with denoted name, type and value.

Constructors in fmrisc.Syntax with parameters of type Type
ArrayType(Type index, Type base)
          construct array type with denoted index type and base type.
FunctionType(Type[] domain, Type range)
          construct function type from domain and range.
FunctionType(Type[] domain, Type range)
          construct function type from domain and range.
LetType(TypeDeclaration[] declarations, Type base)
          Construct let types of declarations and base types.
TupleType(Type[] base)
          construct record type with denoted base types.
TypeDeclaration(TypeDeclIdentifier name, Type type)
          construct type declaration with denoted name and type.
TypedIdentifier(ValueDeclIdentifier identifier, Type type)
          construct typed identifier from identifier and type.
ValueDeclaration(ValueDeclIdentifier name, Type type, Expression value)
          construct value declaration with denoted name, type and value.