Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeSymbol

Uses of TypeSymbol in fmrisc.Semantics

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics that return TypeSymbol
 TypeSymbol TypeTable.getSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns symbol associated to name (null, if none)
 TypeSymbol Environment.getTypeSymbol(Identifier name)
          returns type symbol associated to key
 TypeSymbol TypeTable.put(TypeDeclIdentifier key, Type type)
          put type in type table
 TypeSymbol Environment.putType(TypeDeclIdentifier name, Type type)
          put type in type table
 TypeSymbol Environment.putTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration tdecl)
          put type declaration into environment

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type TypeSymbol
 void TypeSymbol.instantiate(TypeSymbol symbol)
          Instantiate symbol with copy of denoted symbol.

Uses of TypeSymbol in fmrisc.Syntax

Methods in fmrisc.Syntax that return TypeSymbol
 TypeSymbol TypeDeclIdentifier.getSymbol()
          returns type symbol