Uses of Class

Packages that use SymbolTable

Uses of SymbolTable in fmrisc.Semantics

Subclasses of SymbolTable in fmrisc.Semantics
 class FormulaTable
          Symbol table for formulas.
 class TypeTable
          Type table for type checking.
 class ValueTable
          Value table for named value lookup.

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics that return SymbolTable
 SymbolTable SymbolTable.cloneTable(SymbolTable s)
          makes s a clone of the symbol table, the clone is a shallow copy (the symbols in the table are not cloned)

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type SymbolTable
 SymbolTable SymbolTable.cloneTable(SymbolTable s)
          makes s a clone of the symbol table, the clone is a shallow copy (the symbols in the table are not cloned)