Uses of Class

Packages that use Proof

Uses of Proof in fmrisc.Communication

Methods in fmrisc.Communication that return Proof
 Proof Store.readProof(FormulaSymbol symbol)
          Read proof for formula from store.

Methods in fmrisc.Communication with parameters of type Proof
 boolean Store.write(Proof proof)
          Write proof to store updating the dependencies file. Presenter.writeProofIndex(Proof proof)
          Write index of proof to file suitable for later display of proof states.

Uses of Proof in fmrisc.ProofNavigator

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator that return Proof
static Proof State.getProof()
          get current proof

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator with parameters of type Proof
static void Main.setProof(Proof proof)
          Signal current proof.
static void State.setProof(Proof proof)
          set current proof

Uses of Proof in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT

Methods in fmrisc.ProofNavigator.SWT with parameters of type Proof
 void ProofTree.setProof(Proof proof)
          Change tree to visualize denoted proof.
 void Top.setProof(Proof proof)
          Set the current proof.
static void MainSWT.setProof(Proof proof)
          Set current proof.

Uses of Proof in fmrisc.Proving

Methods in fmrisc.Proving that return Proof
 Proof ProofState.getProof()
          get proof to which proof state belong
static Proof Proof.newProof(FormulaSymbol symbol, boolean autoSimplify)
          Construct new proof for formula denoted by symbol.
static Proof Proof.toProof(FormulaSymbol symbol, org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          Construct skeleton proof from DOM representation.

Constructors in fmrisc.Proving with parameters of type Proof
ProofState(Proof proof)
          Construct a skeleton proof state (all fields but the proof remain uninitialized).
ProofState(Proof proof, Environment env, Expression goal, boolean autoSimplify)
          construct a root state from a single goal and without assumptions

Uses of Proof in fmrisc.Semantics

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics that return Proof
 Proof FormulaSymbol.getProof()
          Return proof of symbol.

Methods in fmrisc.Semantics with parameters of type Proof
 void FormulaSymbol.setProof(Proof proof)
          Set proof of symbol.