Uses of Class

Packages that use Formula

Uses of Formula in fmrisc.Proving

Methods in fmrisc.Proving that return Formula
 Formula[] ProofState.add(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula)
          Adds a formula to a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.add(Formula[] formulas, Formula[] formulas0)
          Adds a sequence of formulas to a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.copy(Formula[] formulas)
          Copy a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula ProofState.getAssumption(java.lang.String label)
          returns assumption with denoted label
 Formula[] ProofState.getAssumptions()
          get assumptions of proof state
 Formula[] ProofState.getAxioms()
          get axioms of proof state
 Formula ProofState.getFormula(java.lang.String label)
          returns formula (assumption or goal) with denoted label
 Formula ProofState.getGoal(java.lang.String label)
          returns goal with denoted label
 Formula[] ProofState.getGoals()
          get goals of proof state
 Formula[] ProofState.remove(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula)
          Remove a formula from a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.replace(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula, Formula rformula)
          Replace a formula in a sequence of formulas in this state.
static Formula[] Formula.toArray(java.util.Vector v)
          converts vector v of Formula objects to array
static Formula[] ProofUtil.toFormulaArray(java.util.Vector v)
          converts vector v of Formula objects to Formula array

Methods in fmrisc.Proving with parameters of type Formula
 Formula[] ProofState.add(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula)
          Adds a formula to a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.add(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula)
          Adds a formula to a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.add(Formula[] formulas, Formula[] formulas0)
          Adds a sequence of formulas to a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.add(Formula[] formulas, Formula[] formulas0)
          Adds a sequence of formulas to a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.copy(Formula[] formulas)
          Copy a sequence of formulas in this state.
static ProofState Instantiating.instantiate(Formula formula)
          Extend proof state by instantiations of given formula
static ProofState Instantiating.instantiate(Formula[] formulas)
          Extend proof state by instantiations of given formulas
 Formula[] ProofState.remove(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula)
          Remove a formula from a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.remove(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula)
          Remove a formula from a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.replace(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula, Formula rformula)
          Replace a formula in a sequence of formulas in this state.
 Formula[] ProofState.replace(Formula[] formulas, Formula formula, Formula rformula)
          Replace a formula in a sequence of formulas in this state.
 void ProofState.setAssumptions(Formula[] formulas)
          set assumptions of proof state
 void ProofState.setAxioms(Formula[] formulas)
          Set axioms of proof state.
 void ProofState.setGoals(Formula[] formulas)
          set goals of proof state
static boolean ProverReasoning.simplify(ProofState state, Formula formula, boolean hard)
          Simplify a single formula in some proof state.

Constructors in fmrisc.Proving with parameters of type Formula
Formula(ProofState state, Formula formula)
          construct a copy of the given formula in the denoted state