
Class AntiUnifyProblem

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Equation, Cloneable

    public class AntiUnifyProblem
    extends Object
    implements Equation
    This class represents an anti-unification problem (AUP) which consists of one generalization variable (the most general generalization), a list of abstracted bound variables and an anti-unification equation. The list of abstracted variables is additionally stored inside a set for faster lookup.
    Alexander Baumgartner
    • Field Detail


        public static String PRINT_EQ_SEPARATOR

        public static String PRINT_VAR_SEPARATOR
    • Constructor Detail

      • AntiUnifyProblem

        public AntiUnifyProblem()
    • Method Detail

      • abstrContains

        public boolean abstrContains(TermAtom boundVar)
        Tests whether the set of abstracted variables contains the given variable.
      • abstrItem

        public BoundVariable abstrItem(int index)
        Returns the abstracted bound variable corresponding to the given position index from the list of abstractions.
      • abstrLambda

        public void abstrLambda()
        Abstracts the lambda bound variables of both sides of the equation of this AUP. The top atom of both sides has to be a lambda atom!
      • abstrSet

        public Set<BoundVariable> abstrSet()
        Returns the set of abstracted variables.
      • abstrSize

        public int abstrSize()
        Returns the length of the list of abstractions.
      • addAbstrVar

        public void addAbstrVar(BoundVariable boundVar)
        Adds a bound variable to the list of abstractions
      • bindAll

        public TermNode bindAll(TermNode t)
        Binds all the abstracted variables to the given term.
      • copyAbstr

        public void copyAbstr(AntiUnifyProblem eq)
        Copies the variables from the abstraction list of the given AUP into the abstraction list of this AUP.
      • createHO_Fnc

        public TermNode createHO_Fnc()
        X(x,y,...) where X is the generalization variable and x,y,... are the variables in the abstraction list.
      • createHO_Fnc

        public TermNode createHO_Fnc(Map<Variable,Variable> pi)
        X(x,y,...) where X is the generalization variable and x,y,... are the variables in the abstraction list and pi is a variable renaming for x,y,...
      • createLambdaHedge

        public TermNode createLambdaHedge(TermNode lambda)
        Creates a lambda hedge which contains the given term node and all the abstracted bound variables. For instance if the list of abstracted variables contains x and y and the given term node consists of only one free variable X, then the created lambda hedge would be (X x y). When substituting X later with a lambda term like \z,v. f[a, z, v] the resulting term will become ((\z,v. f[a, z, v]) x y) and after beta reduction it will be f[a, x, y].
      • getGeneralizationVar

        public Variable getGeneralizationVar()
        Returns the generalization variable, which represents the most general generalization of this AUP.
      • getLeft

        public TermNode getLeft()
        Description copied from interface: Equation
        Returns the left hand side of the equation.
        Specified by:
        getLeft in interface Equation
      • getRight

        public TermNode getRight()
        Description copied from interface: Equation
        Returns the right hand side of the equation.
        Specified by:
        getRight in interface Equation
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft(TermNode left)
        Description copied from interface: Equation
        Sets the left hand side of the equation to the given TermNode.
        Specified by:
        setLeft in interface Equation
      • setRight

        public void setRight(TermNode right)
        Description copied from interface: Equation
        Sets the right hand side of the equation to the given TermNode.
        Specified by:
        setRight in interface Equation