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Shared Data Objects

If a parallel program processes large data in multiple phases with task interaction between phases, it may be more efficient to let tasks preserve their states across phases rather than creating for every phase new tasks to which the corresponding data have to be passed. Therefore we introduce a concept that allows tasks to interact in a safe way by side effects.
creates an empty shared data object and returns its handle d. Any task may use d to read from or write to the shared data object no matter on which machine the task is executed.
blocks the execution of the current task until the data object referenced by d is non-empty and then returns its content. Multiple tasks may independently wait for and retrieve the result of the same data object d.
dist[put](d, v)
writes the value v (which may be any Maple object including tasks and data handles) into the shared data object referenced by d (overwriting any previously written value). All tasks blocked on d get released.
empties the shared data object referenced by d.
Shared data objects may be used to implement various forms of inter-task communication, such as shared memory, single assignment objects, communication channels and non-strict lists (streams).
Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: April 22, 1999

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