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TitleMagma -- a tool for number theory.
Author(s) John Cannon, Steve Donnelly, Claus Fieker, Mark Watkins
TypeBook, Chapter in Book, Conference Proceeding
AbstractMagma [1,2,5] is a computer algebra system developed by the group of John Cannon at the University of Sydney, together with many collaborators around the world, and was first released in 1994. Based on experience obtained from the group theory system Cayley (1975-2005), also developed by Cannon et al, Magma is designed to be a general algebra system with an strong emphasis on the structural aspects of algebra. The goal is to provide a framework for implementing algorithms at a much higher level of abstraction than CA systems such as Maple and Mathematica. Magma currently provides support for most of classical algebra (groups, rings, fields), algebraic geometry, algebraic combinatorics and coding theory (this list is not exhaustive.)
URL http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-15582-6_43
PublisherBerlin: Springer
Translation No
Refereed No