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rt_bind(): Binding a Thread to a Processor

      int n

Specification: Binds the currently executing thread to the current process (first version) or to process n (second version). The third version resolves any previous binding of the currently executing thread.

A thread bound to a process is executed by that process only. Process 0 is the initial process on which execution of the RT++ program was triggered.

The main thread) is at program start bound to process 0.

Constraint: The process number n must range from 0 to n-1 where n is the number of processes in the runtime environment.

Note: Applications of these operations are the protection of input operations, of output operations, and of C++ memory allocation operations.

Implementation: A call of rt_bind in general involves a context switch such that the current thread can be scheduled for execution by another process.

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: April 12, 1997