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2.6 Predefined Predicates and Functions

The following predicates are predefined (/n denotes arity n):

The predicate denoting true.
formula true;
> true.

The predicate denoting false.
formula false;
> false.

The predicate that returns true if and only if its argument is a set.
formula Set({});
> true.

The predicate that returns true if its argument is a tuple.
formula Tuple(tuple(2, 3));
> true.

The predicate that returns true if its argument is a natural number.
formula Nat(1);
> true.

The equality of values.
formula =(2, +(1, 1));
> true.

The inclusion of an element (the first argument) in a set (the second argument).
formula in(1, join(1, {}));
> true.

The predicate on natural numbers that returns true if and only if its first argument is not larger than the second one.
formula <=(1, 2);
> true.

Likewise the following functions are predefined:

The number of elements in a tuple.
term length(tuple(2, 3));
> 2.
The empty set.
term {};
> {}.
The function that returns the set that results from joining an element (the first argument) to a set (the second argument).
term join (2, join(1, {}));
> {1, 2}.
The interval of natural numbers from a lower bound (the first argument) up to and including an upper bound (the second argument).
term nat(1, 10);
> 1..10.
term set(x in nat(1, 10): true, x);
> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}.
Addition on natural numbers.
term +(7, 8);
> 15.
Multiplication on natural numbers.
term *(2, 3);
> 6.
Subtraction of a natural number (the second argument) from another natural number (the first argument); the second argument must not be larger than the first one.
term -(7, 8);
> ERROR: no such difference.

Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: September 16, 2004

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