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Send Actions

When a new task is created, the task is assigned the next identifier in the task range.

sendTask(C) ==

When a "wait" request is issued, a message is sent that contains the identifier of the corresponding task.

sendWait(C) ==

An "nwait" request contains a list of task identifiers; we request the result of any of these tasks.

sendNWait(C) ==

An "all" message asks for the evaluation of a command on each application program.

sendAll(C) ==

A "quit" message asks for the termination of the session and waits for a corresponding acknowledgement.

sendQuit(C) ==

An "abort" message aborts the session immediately.

sendAbort(C) ==

A start message asks for the connection of a new node to the session; we receive either an okay or an error message as an acknowledgement.

sendStart(C) ==

A delete message asks for the deletion of a task result.

sendDelete(C) ==

A flush message asks for the session caches to be flushed and to switch flushing off (0) or on (1).

sendFlush(C) ==

A reset message restarts the session resetting the range of task identifiers.

sendReset(C) ==

A result message contains the result of the task currently under evaluation (stored on top of the stack).

sendResult(C) ==

Maintainer: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: July 6, 2001

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