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dist[logging]: Switch Logging Status


If code is 1 or 2 or 3, result logging is enabled. In the current directory, a subdirectory logging is created into which computed task results and shared data values are written. If the computation fails abnormally and the session is restarted, the logged results will be used instead of computing the corresponding tasks again. If the session is terminated normally, the logging directory is erased.

If code is 1 ("fast mode") logging is cheap but it may happen that after a session failure the restarted session breaks with an error message. If code is 2 ("safe mode") logging is more expensive, but the restarted session is guaranteed to continue with the logged results. If code is 3("rescheduling mode"), machines to which the root machine loses connectivity are automatically excluded from the session; all tasks being executed on these machines are rescheduled to other machines.

If code is 0, logging is switched off.

Unless you know what you are doing, switch logging on at the beginning of a session (if at all) and leave the logging status unchanged till the end of the session.

> dist[logging](2);

Maintainer: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: July 6, 2001

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