Theorema Tutorial

The Knowledge Browser

The knowledge browse consists of (from top to bottom)
  • the filter area,
  • the notebook selector, and
    • the notebook content browser.
    The notebook selector allows to select the notebook, from which knowledge is to be chosen. Through buttons or a menu it offers all notebooks, in which formulas have been evaluated during the current session. The notebook content browser immediately below then displays an outline of the selected notebook consisting only of the environments contained in the notebook displayed according to the notebook's sectioning structure. Each unit from the entire notebook through sections and subsections to environments and their individual formulas is equipped with a checkbox to select or deselect all formulas in the respective unit. The filter area on top allows to filter the displayed outline according to keywords found in the formula labels and the section headings.
    Units can be collapsed or uncollapsed by mouse-click. Individual formulas are displayed by their labels only