
(Formula (Test): B1) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_1.gif] ,

with no assumptions.


The Theorem is proved by the Groebner Bases method.      

      The formula in the scope of the universal quantifier is transformed into an equivalent formula that is a conjunction of disjunctions of equalities and negated equalities. The universal quantifier can then be distributed over the individual parts of the conjunction. By this, we obtain:

Independent proof problems:

(Formula (Test): B1.1) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_2.gif]

(Formula (Test): B1.2) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_3.gif]

We now prove the above individual problems separately:

Proof of ([Graphics:Images/index_gr_4.gif]):

This proof problem has the following structure:

(Formula (Test): B1.1.structure) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_5.gif] ,


[Graphics:Images/index_gr_6.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_7.gif]
[Graphics:Images/index_gr_8.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_9.gif]
[Graphics:Images/index_gr_10.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_11.gif]

([Graphics:Images/index_gr_12.gif]) is equivalent to

(Formula (Test): B1.1.implication) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_13.gif] .

([Graphics:Images/index_gr_14.gif]) is equivalent to

(Formula (Test): B1.1.not-exists) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_15.gif] .

By introducing the slack variable(s)


([Graphics:Images/index_gr_16.gif]) is transformed into the equivalent formula

(Formula (Test): B1.1.not-exists-slack) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_17.gif] .

Hence, we see that the proof problem is transformed into the question on whether or not a system of polynomial equations has a solution or not. This question can be answered by checking whether or not the (reduced) Groebner basis of


is exactly {1}.                  

Hence, we compute the Groebner basis for the following polynomial list:


The Groebner basis:


Hence, ([Graphics:Images/index_gr_21.gif]) is proved.

Proof of ([Graphics:Images/index_gr_22.gif]):

This proof problem has the following structure:

(Formula (Test): B1.2.structure) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_23.gif] ,


[Graphics:Images/index_gr_24.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_25.gif]
[Graphics:Images/index_gr_26.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_27.gif]
[Graphics:Images/index_gr_28.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_29.gif]
[Graphics:Images/index_gr_30.gif] [Graphics:Images/index_gr_31.gif]

([Graphics:Images/index_gr_32.gif]) is equivalent to

(Formula (Test): B1.2.implication) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_33.gif] .

([Graphics:Images/index_gr_34.gif]) is equivalent to

(Formula (Test): B1.2.not-exists) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_35.gif] .

By introducing the slack variable(s)

{ξ1, ξ2}

([Graphics:Images/index_gr_36.gif]) is transformed into the equivalent formula

(Formula (Test): B1.2.not-exists-slack) [Graphics:Images/index_gr_37.gif] .

Hence, we see that the proof problem is transformed into the question on whether or not a system of polynomial equations has a solution or not. This question can be answered by checking whether or not the (reduced) Groebner basis of


is exactly {1}.                  

Hence, we compute the Groebner basis for the following polynomial list:


The Groebner basis:


Hence, ([Graphics:Images/index_gr_41.gif]) is proved.

Since all of the individual subtheorems are proved, the original formula is proved.

Additional Proof Generation Information

Converted by Mathematica      June 17, 2002