
(== => =) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_1.gif],

under the assumption:

(= => Fa = => =) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_2.gif].

For proving (== => =) we take all variables arbitrary but fixed and prove:

(1) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_3.gif].

We prove (1) by the deduction rule.

We assume

(2) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_4.gif]

and show

(3) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_5.gif].

The conjunction (2) splits into (4) , (5) .

From (5) , by (= => Fa = => =) , we obtain:

(7) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_6.gif].

From (4) , by (= => Fa = => =) , we obtain:

(6) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_7.gif].

For proving (3) , by (6) , it suffices to prove

(9) [Graphics:Images/eq-trans-faa_gr_8.gif].

Formula (9) is true because it is identical to (5) .

Converted by Mathematica      February 11, 2000