GLITE Tutorial

gLite Workload Management

The core of gLite is the workload management system (WMS) for submitting jobs into the grid.
By the WMS, a job runs through the following States:
  1. UI submits description of job to RB: SUBMITTED.
    Input sandbox: program plus input files.
  2. RB determines CE to execute job: WAITING.
  3. RB prepares job for execution: READY.
  4. RB passes job to CE: SCHEDULED.
    CE fails to execute job: ABORTED.
  5. CE starts execution of job: RUNNING.
  6. CE returns result of job to RB: DONE.
    Output sandbox: set of (small) output files.
    Large outputs: data management services.
  7. UI retrieves result from RB: CLEARED.
At any time, the UI may query the LB for the current status of the job.

UI: user interface.
RB: resource broker.
CE: computing element.
LB: logging and bookkeping server.