E Context DirectoryTopC System InstallationD System Invocation

D System Invocation

Invoking the system by the the command ProofNavigator -h gives output which lists the available startup options:

RISC ProofNavigator Version 1.1 (October 24, 2007)
(C) 2005-, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC)
This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
Execute "ProofNavigator -help" to see the options available.
Usage: ProofNavigator [OPTION]... [FILE]
FILE:   name of file to be read on startup.
OPTION: one of the following options:
  -n, --nogui:  use command line interface
  -c, --context NAME: use subdirectory NAME to store context.
  --cvcl PATH: PATH refers to executable "cvcl".
  -s, --silent: omit startup message.
  -h, --help:   print this message.

The command optionally receives the name (in general path) of a declaration file which is read and processed as described for the command read. The command also accepts various startup options:

-n, -nogui
Start the system without graphical user interface relying on the textual command line interface only. Currently, this option is mainly useful in case of problems with the installation of the software, if the necessary GUI library cannot be found. In the future, the option may become useful for non-interactive applications of the system.
-c, -context NAME
When the system starts up, it creates in the current working directory a subdirectory ProofNavigator for storing the session context (see also Appendix E and the command newcontext. With this option, the subdirectory is given a different name and/or different location as specified by the parameter NAME (which must denote a directory path).
-cvcl PATH
The system currently uses CVCL (CVC Lite) [2][1] Version 2.0 as an external decision procedure and assumes that the CVCL executable cvcl can be found in the current PATH. With the option -cvcl an alternative location and/or name of the executable can be specified by the parameter PATH (which must denote a file path). This option is only used within the ProofNavigator script for customization of the installation; passing it to the script has no effect.
-s, -silent
With this option, the startup message is suppressed.
-h, -help
With this option, the description shown above is printed and the system is terminated.

Wolfgang Schreiner

E Context DirectoryTopC System InstallationD System Invocation