3 ExamplesTop1 Introduction2 User Interface

2 User Interface

In the following we explain the main points of interaction with the user interface of the RISC ProofNavigator. We assume that the system is appropriately installed such that after typing

ProofNavigator &

a window pops up that displays the startup screen shown below:

Startup Screen

ProofNavigator Startup Window (click to enlarge)

This window has three menus at the top:

The menu entry "Read File" allows to read a sequence of declarations from a file; "Restart Session" resets the system to its initial state; "Quit" lets the system terminate.
The entry "No Automatic Simplification" switches off automatic formula simplifications (which is useful for step-by-step proof presentations), "Automatic Simplification" switches it on again. "Bigger Font" selects a larger display font (which is mainly useful for demonstrations), "Smaller Font" selects the default font again.
The entry "Online Manual" displays in the "Declarations" area the hypertext version of this document; the entry "About ProofNavigator" displays the copyright message.

The main area of the window is split into three areas (whose borders may be dragged by the mouse cursor):

Proof Tree
This area illustrates the skeleton structure of the proof which is currently investigated respectively displayed. It mainly serves for easy navigation through a proof.
This area initially shows a copyright message. Later it displays the declarations entered by the user in a pretty-printed form which closely resembles the usual mathematical notation (while the output window below shows a corresponding plain text notation). In proving mode, this area is labelled "Proof State" and typically displays the open proof state currently investigated by the user (the button "View Declarations" below this area is then enabled to return to the declaration view).
This area consists of an input field where the user may type in declarations and commands, an output field where the effect of the user input is shown as plain text, and a row of (possibly disabled) buttons. In the input field, some keys have a special interpretation:
Arrow Up
Go to the previous command in the history buffer (a cyclic buffer of the most recently entered commands).
Arrow Down
Go to the next command in the history buffer.
Go to the begin of the line.
Go to the end of the line.
Go to the next occurrence of template parameter [] .
The button row consists of the following elements (from left to right):
Proof Navigation
[Previous Open State]
This button triggers the command prev: the previous element in the list of open proof states becomes the current state.
[Next Open State]
This button triggers the command next: the next element in the list of open proof states becomes the current state.
[Undo Command]
This button triggers the command undo: the effect of the command executed in the parent of the current state is undone.
[Redo Command]
This button triggers the command redo: the effect of the undo command that led to the current state is undone.
Proof Control
[Scatter State]
This button triggers the command scatter: applying various proving rules, the current state is scattered into a number of simpler proof states.
[Decompose State]
  This button triggers the proving command decompose: applying various proving rules, the formulas in the current proof state are decomposed to yield a single simpler proof state.
[Split State]
This button triggers the command split: applying various proving rules to the goal of the current state, this state is split into a number of proof states with simpler goals.
[Generate Counterexample]
This button triggers the command counterexample: a possible refutation of the current proof state is generated and displayed.
[Execute "auto" also in Sibling States]
This button triggers the command autostar: the command auto (see the next button) is applied to the current state and to its subsequent siblings.
[Close State by Automatic Formula Instantiation]
This button triggers the command auto: an attempt is made to close the current state by the automatic instantiation of the quantified formulas in the state.
[Simplify State]
This button is only active if "No Automatic Simplification" has been selected in the "Options" menu; it triggers the command simplify to simplify all formulas in the current state.
[Abort Prover Activity]
This button aborts the current activity of the prover.
[Command List]
This button lets a menu pop up that displays all available commands and command templates. By selecting a command from this menu, the command is executed in the current state. By selecting a template from this menu, the template is copied into the input area for instantiating the template parameters before execution.
Proof Exit
[Quit Proof]
This button triggers the command quit: after confirmation by the user, the current proof is terminated and saved to file.

By invoking the system with

ProofNavigator --nogui

the system starts without the graphical user interface in plain text mode: declarations and commands are entered on the command line (i.e. read from the standard input stream) and results are printed in plain text form to the standard output stream. Most system features are also available in this mode1.

Wolfgang Schreiner

3 ExamplesTop1 Introduction2 User Interface