4  Semantics and Verification

The core idea of the RISC ProgramExplorer is to translate every program into its “semantic essence”, i.e. a declarative form that exhibits all that is to be known about the program from the mathematical point of view. This semantics is exhibited to the user for investigation and analysis (programming and specification errors may so be detected early); it also represents the basis for the subsequent verification of the program. Given a method

method (…) /*@ ensures f_s @*/
{ c }

with specification fs and body c, c is translated into a formula fc which describes the effect of c; the proof that the method satisfies its specification is then essentially the proof of

fc fs

i.e., that the effect of c implies the specification.

In somewhat more detail, we translate every program command (e.g. the body of a program method) into a logic formula that describes the relationship between the value of every program variable x in the prestate of the execution (this value is in the formula denoted as old x) to the value of the variable in the poststate (this value is denoted as var x). For instance, the program command

 x = x+y

is translated to the formula (the state relation)

var x = old x+old y

This formula, however, does not explicitly say anything about the variables whose values are not changed (y,z,) such that the post-state value of such variables is undefined. To overcome this problem, we additionally determine the frame of the variable which is the set of program variables that may be changed by the command. For above command, the program frame would be just x, from which we can deduce

var y = old yvar z = old z

i.e., var v = old v, for every program variable v different from x.

A sequence of commands

y = y+1;
x = x+y

is handled by first translating the individual commands to state relations

var y = old y+1var x = old x
var x = old x+old yvar y = old y

with common frame x,y. These formulas are then combined to a single state relation

x0,y0 :
   y0 = old y+1x0 = old x 
   var x = x0 +y0 var y = y0

where x0,y0 represent the values of the program variables after the execution of the first command; these values are not visible as pre/post-state values of the combined command and therefore “hidden” by existential quantification. The combined formula can then be logically simplified by inserting the definitions of these values. This results in the state relation

var x = old x+old y+1var y = old y+1

with frame x,y.

Likewise, a local variable declaration

{var x; c}

is translated to a state relation of form

x0,x1 : fc[x0old x,x1var x]

where fc denotes the state relation of c; in this formula, all references to old x respectively var x are substituted by references to existentially quantified variables x0 respectively y0. A conditional command

if (e) then c1 else c2

is translated to a statue relation

if fe then f1 else f2

(which is syntactic sugar for (fe f1)(¬fe f2)) where fe,f1,f2 denote the translations of e,c1,c2. Finally, a while loop

while (e) /*@ invariant f; @*/ c

is translated to the state relation

f ∧¬fe

i.e. a loop invariant just denotes (an upper bound approximation of) the loop’s state relation; the formula fedescribes that the value of e in the poststate is false.

The translation of program commands to state relations is more thoroughly discussed in Appendix A; in the following we present its application to some sample programs.

4.1 Computing Factorial Numbers
Method Semantics
Method Verification
4.2 Recursive Computation of Factorials
4.3 Searching in Arrays
4.4 Program States and Control Flow Interruptions
4.5 Objects and Method Side Effects