• @techreport{RISC6289,
    author = {J. Ablinger and J. Blümlein and C. Schneider},
    title = {{Iterated integrals over letters induced by quadratic forms}},
    language = {english},
    abstract = {An automated treatment of iterated integrals based on letters induced by real-valued quadratic forms and Kummer–Poincaré letters is presented. These quantities emerge in analytic single and multi–scale Feynman diagram calculations. To compactify representations, one wishes to apply general properties of these quantities in computer-algebraic implementations. We provide the reduction to basis representations, expansions, analytic continuation and numerical evaluation of these quantities.},
    number = {21-05},
    year = {2021},
    month = {March},
    keywords = {iterated integrals, quadratic forms, Kummer–Poincare letters},
    length = {14},
    type = {RISC Report Series},
    institution = {Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University Linz},
    address = {Altenberger StraƟe 69, 4040 Linz, Austria},
    issn = {2791-4267 (online)}