• @inproceedings{RISC2326,
    author = {K. Nakagawa and B. Buchberger},
    title = {{Presenting Proofs Using Logicographic Symbols}},
    booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Proof Transformation and Presentation at the IJAR-2001}},
    language = {english},
    pages = { --},
    address = {Siena},
    year = {2001},
    month = {18 June},
    annote = {2001-06-18-A},
    editor = {A. Fiedler and H. Horacek},
    refereed = {yes},
    keywords = {Keywords: Theorema, formal and intuitive representation, graphical semantics, Japanese Kanji system, Vedic literature, example merge sort, automated theorem proving},
    length = {11}