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The Problem of Surface Parametrization

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The Algebraic View

Given a polynomial equation in three variables we want the general solution in terms of rational functions in two variables.

For a linear equation like

the solution is always trivial, in this case:
(x, y, z)   =   (s, t, 1-s-t)

But when the equation is not linear, things become much more complicated. For instance, the solutions of the equation

can be parametrized by
(x, y, z)   =  
2s 2t   s2+t2-1
  -------- ,   -------- ,   --------
s2+t2+1 s2+t2+1   s2+t2+1
except for the solution (0, 0, 1).

The Geometric Meaning

Geometrically speaking, an equation in three variables defines a surface. And we are looking for a map from the plan onto the surface.

The equation

describes the unit sphere. The given parametrization on the left side describes the stereographic projection
mapping each point Z=(s,t) in the plane to a point Y=(x,y,z) on the sphere. Each point on the sphere is reached exactly once (except for the "north pole" (0,0,1) that is not reached at all). Such a parametrization is called proper.

The Questions

For the solution set of a polynomial equation mainly three problems arise:

  1. First of all a (global) parametrization of the solution set need not exist. So how to decide parametrizibility?
  2. But even if one knows that a rational parametrization exists, it can be hard to find it. So how to find a parametrization?
  3. Furthermore, there will often be no one-one correspondence between the parameter space (s,t) and the solution set. A "small" subset of solutions may not be generated or solutions may not be generated uniquely.
The Answers briefly

The answers depend on the underlying field. For the rationals the answers were found just recently (Schicho, Jan. 2000).

  1. Over the complex the existence of a parametrization of an algebraic surface can be decided by Castelnuovo's criterion, known for more than 100 years. Over the reals or the rationals additional conditions are needed.
  2. Any parametrizable surface can be transformed to one out of a finite number of special kinds of surfaces, for which strategies for parametrization are known. The missing gaps were filled by J. Schicho.
  3. Missing solutions are usually neglected. The uniqueness of the rest of the solution set leads to the problem of proper parametrization, which is both decidable and computable.

Sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

Maintained by: The Adjoints Project
Last Modification: June 16, 1999

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