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In the following we give an example first for the sequential version, then for the distributed one with the pdlocBO procedure. A sequential computation can be started like:

  desingcfg[htmlpath] := `/tmp/html/`;
  desingcfg[dumpHTML] := true;
  desingcfg[usenctest] := true;  
  dloc([x3-x2^2+1, x1^2+x2^2+x3^2-1], [x1,x2,x3]);
Which will result that the charts of the resolution tree (at operations cover, exchange, blowup) will be exported to HTML files to the directory /tmp/html. The normal crossing test will also be applied. All the other variables remain with their default values, which turns all other features off. Finally, after the resolution, the dual hypergraph is also computed, and, because the HTML output is enabled, an HTML export of the defining data of the graph will be generated in the file /tmp/html/dualgraph.html.
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