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play a central role in polynomial ideal theory. They were originally introduced in [\protect], for an introductory presentation of the concept and some applications see [\protect] and [\protect].

For a given finite set of polynomials a of the ideal generated by can be algorithmically constructed by the so-called . The original was given for sets of polynomials over an arbitrary field , generalizations of the algorithm have been investigated though for other coefficient domains, in particular for Noetherian rings, see [\protect], Euclidean rings, see [\protect] and [\protect], and for reduction rings, see [\protect] and [\protect].

We now want to focus on rational numbers as coefficient field, we try to compute for ideals in . Similar to the Euclidean algorithm for computing greatest common divisors (GCDs) of polynomials in the suffers from an intermediate swell of coefficients. This means that the rational numbers occurring during the computation become very large in size, which causes very time consuming arithmetic operations on the coefficients. This in turn is due to the fact that rational number arithmetic employs computation of GCDs of numerator and denominator, whose costs depend on the length of the numbers involved.

While theoretical investigations on the complexity of the have assumed constant time for all operations in the coefficient domain, see [\protect] and [\protect], the total computation time is in practice very often dominated by arithmetic in the coefficient domain, see [\protect]. In the case of rational number coefficients this problem can be attacked by modular techniques, see [\protect], [\protect], [\protect], and [\protect], or by approximate floating point arithmetic.

Several approaches - with different goals and motivations - for using floating point coefficients have been made so far.

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windsteiger wolfgang
Fri Apr 12 12:20:45 MET DST 1996