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System Model

ActionC(pc, server, client, count, wait) :<=>
      Server(server, client, count, wait)
      exists i in [1,C]:
         Clienti(server, client, pc)
InitC,R(pc, server, client, count, wait) :<=>
      count = R
      forall i in [1,C]:
         pci = other  /\ 
         serveri = <>  /\ clienti = <>  /\ wait[i] = false
SystemC,R(pc) :<=>
   exists server, client, count, wait:
         InitC,R(pc, server, client, count, wait)
         always ActionC(pc, server, client, count, wait)
one action of the system
the initial condition of the system
the distributed system

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: April 22, 1999

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