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Sequential Algorithm

Collins [12] describes an efficient sequential algorithm for multivariate polynomial computation based on a modular approach: we use various prime numbers p to map the coefficients of A and B into modular domains Zp = {0,...,p-1}, i.e., we compute polynomials a=Mapp(A), b=Mapp(B) where

a, b inZp[x1,...,xr-1][xr].
We may only use primes p such that degree(a)=degree(A) and degree(b) = degree(B) where degree(P) denotes the degree of polynomial P in the main variable. Using modular arithmetic in Zp, we compute the modular resultant c := Resultantp(a, b), i.e.,
c inZp[x1,...,xr-1].
We then apply the Chinese Remainder Algorithm to lift the result from Zp to ZP*p, i.e.,
ChineseRemainder(C, c, P, p) inZP*p[x1,...,xr-1]
where P is the product of the primes used so far and C is the combination of the corresponding modular resultants:
C inZP[x1,...,xr-1]
The algorithm iterates until P exceeds a predetermined bound cb for the size of the coefficients of the resultant and then returns C. The algorithm is sketched below:
C := Resultant(A, B)
   m := degree(A); n := degree(B)
   cb := CoeffBound(A, B)
   C := 0; P := 1
   while P <= cb do
      p := a new prime number;
      if Am mod p != 0 /\ Bn mod p != 0 then
         a := Mapp(A); b := Mapp(B)
         c := Resultantp(a, b)
         C := ChineseRemainder(C, c, P, p)
         P := P*p
end Resultant

Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: April 22, 1999

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