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  1. Distributed Systems
    Definition, terminology, models, components, problems.
  2. Communication
    Protocol layers, message passing, remote procedure calls.
  3. Distributed Object Computing
    Fundamental concepts, CORBA, Java RMI, Jini.
  4. Concurrency
    Threads, mutual exclusion, deadlocks, optimistic concurrency control, design patterns.
  5. Time and Coordination
    Physical clocks, logical clocks, distributed coordination, consistent global states, distributed snapshots.
  6. Replication and Consistency
    Consistency, request ordering, state machine model.
  7. Transactions
    Basic model, atomic commitment, distributed transactions.
  8. Reliability and Fault Tolerance
    Failure causes and models, reliable messages, checkpointing and recovery, software design issues.
  9. Group communication
    Process groups, reliable broadcasts, group communication systems.
  10. Reasoning
    Formal models, specification, verification.

Less or not covered: communication technologies, name and directory services, distributed operating systems, distributed file systems, distributed shared memory, real time systems, resource management and scheduling, security aspects, cryptography, authentification, system management, algorithms and theory.

Maintainer: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: February 28, 2000

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