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Denotational Semantics

IV. Valuation functions:

C: Command -> Store -> Answer
C[[C_1; C_2]]s = (C[[C_1]] then C[[C_2]])s
C[[I := E]]s = (true, update [[I]] (E[[E]]s) s)
C[[if G fi]]s = T[[G]]s -> G[[G]]s [] (false, s)
C[[do G od]]s = T[[G]]s -> (G[[G]] then C[[do G do]])(s) [] (true, s)

T: Guarded-command -> Store -> Tr
T[[G_1 [] G_2]]s = (T[[G_1]]s) or (T[[G_2]]s)
T[[B -> C]]s = B[[B]]s

G: Guarded-command -> Store -> Answer
G[[G_1 [] G_2]]s = (G[[G_1]]s) join (G[[G_2]]s)
G[[B -> C]]s = B[[B]]s -> C[[C]]s [] no-answer

E:Expression -> Store -> Nat
B:Boolean-expr -> Store -> Tr

Id: intro.tex,v 1.2 1996/01/31 15:37:03 schreine Exp schreine

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