MS Windows Users

With the exception of PVS, all of the software used in this course should also run under MS Windows (see the corresponding Web pages). However, I have not verified this and will not be able to give installation support.

In any case, you may login from your MS Windows PC to the RISC Environment for executing the course software remotely. For this, you need on your PC an X-Server and an SSH client. Both is included in the Cygwin/X package which provides on a MS Windows PC a basic Linux environment with an X-Server and the OpenSSH client ssh (you have to choose the package openssh during the setup of Cygwin/X).

Having installed Cygwin/X, you should also get proficient with working on the Linux command line and with some visual Linux text editor (Emacs, kedit, gedit, nedit, ...) . As a starting point, I recommend the following tutorial:

Last modified: Monday, 5 February 2007, 11:33 AM