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Pointwise Function Definition

Definition: Let RealFun = R -> R.

. : R -> RealFun
c(x) := c;
+: (RealFun x RealFun) -> RealFun
(f+g)(x) := f(x) + g(x);
(f-g)(x) := f(x) - g(x);
(f*g)(x) := f(x) * g(x);
(f/g)(x) := f(x)/g(x);
..: (RealFun x Z) -> (R ->partial R)
(fn)(x) := f(x)n;
sqrt ( ): (Z x RealFun) -> (R ->partial R)
(sqrtn(f))(x) := sqrtn(f(x));

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: December 14, 1999

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