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Reasoning about Least Fixed Points

C[[repeat C until B]] = fix(lambda f. lambda s.
    let s' = C[[C]]s in B[[B]]s' -> s' [] (f s'))

C[[C; while ~B do C]] =? C[[repeat C until B]]

Proof: P(f,g) = forall s. f(C[[C]]s) = (g s)

  1. P(_|_, _|_) holds obviously.
  2. Prove P(F(f), G(g))
    F=(lambda f. lambda s. B[[~ B]]s -> f(C[[C]]s) [] s)
    G=(lambda f. lambda s. let s' = C[[C]]s in B[[B]]s'
        -> s' [] (f s'))
    1. F(f)(C[[C]]_|_) = _|_ = G(g)(_|_).
    2. s != _|_:
      1. C[[C]]s=_|_: F(f)(_|_)=_|_=(let s' = _|_ in B[[B]]s' -> s' [] (g s')) = G(g)(_|_).
      2. C[[C]]s=s0 != _|_: F(f)(s0)=B[[~ B]]s0 -> f(C[[C]]s0)[]s0 = B[[B]]s0 -> s0 [] f(C[[C]]s0) = B[[B]]s0 -> s0 [] f(g s0) = G(g)(s)

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: November 5, 1997

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