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While Loops

Representation by finite subfunctions

C[[while B do C]] = ||{
    lambda s._|_,
    lambda s.B[[B]]s -> _|_ [] s,
    lambda s.B[[B]]s -> (B[[B]](C[[C]]s) -> _|_ [] C[[C]]s)
         [] s,
    lambda s.B[[B]]s -> (B[[B]](C[[C]]s) ->
        (B[[B]](C[[C]](C[[C]]s)) -> _|_
        [] C[[C]](C[[C]]s)) [] C[[C]]s) [] s, ...}
= ||{
    C[[if B then diverge else skip]],
    C[[if B then (C; if B then diverge else skip)
        else skip]],
    C[[if B then (C; if B then
            (C; if B then diverge else skip)
        else skip) else skip]], ...}

Loop iteration can be understood by sequence of non-iterating programs.

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: November 5, 1997

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