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Denotational Semantics

[[pi |- E1 E2: theta2]]e s =
   ([[pi |- E1: theta1 -> theta2]]e) ([[pi |- E2: theta1]]e) s
[[pi |- E1 E2: theta]]e s =
   ([[pi |- E1: tau -> theta]]e) ([[pi |- E2: tauexp]]e s) s

[[tauexp]] = Store -> [[tau]]
[[int]] = Intbottom
[[bool]] = Boolbottom
[[theta1 -> theta2]] = (proper [[theta1]] -> [[theta2]])bottom
[[{i:thetai}i in I]] = ({ i:proper [[ thetai ]]}i in I)bottom
[[intloc]] = Locationbottom
[[store]] = Storebottom
proper D = D - { bottom}

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: May 14, 1998

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