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Semantic Algebras

Store = { (n1, n2, ..., nm)
    | ni in Int, 1 <= i <= m, m >= 0 }
lookup: Location x Store -> Int
    lookup(locj, (n1, n2, ..., nj, ..., nm)) = nj
    (if j>m, then lookup(locj, (n1, ..., nm)) = 0)
update: Location x Int x Store -> Store
    update(locj, j, (n1, n2, ..., nj, ..., nm)) =
        (n1, n2, ..., n, ..., nm)
    (if j>m, then update(locj, n, (n1, ..., nm)) =
        (n1, n2, ..., nm))
if: Bool x Storebottom x Storebottom -> Storebottom
    if(true, s1, s2) = s1
    if(false, s1, s2) = s2
    (Storebottom = Store union {bottom},
    bottom = "bottom" = non-termination)

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: March 26, 1998

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