RISC-Linz Courses SS 2002

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If not announced otherwise, all courses start in the week of March 4.

Number Title Lecturer Time Room


Computersysteme W. Schreiner Fri 10:15-11:45 HS 8
326.904 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 2 P. Paule Wed 10:15-12:00, Thur 10:15-12:00, Fri 12:00-12:45 HS 16, HS 4, HS 7, HS 9, HS 16
326.906 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 2 (UE) J. Schicho , Aichinger, Ecker, G. Landsmann Mon 8:30-10:00 BA 9908, BA 9912, K 033C, UC6
326.908 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 2 (KO) G. Landsmann to be agreed to be agreed
326.915 Mathematics 1 (Analysis) J. Schicho Wed 9:15-10:00, Fri 8:30-10:00 HS 7, HS 10
326.925 Mathematics 1 (Analysis) (UE) J. Schicho , Binder, Ecker, G. Landsmann Mon 12:00-13:30, Mon 13:45-15:15, Fri 10:15-11:45 MZ 412A, BA 9910, HS 12
326.918 Logic as a Working Language B. Buchberger Tue 10:15-11:00 KHG I
326.952 Algorithms and Data Structures (VU) F. Lichtenberger Tue 15:30-17:00, Wed 15:30-17:00 HS 4, HS3
326.208 Computeralgebra für Fortgeschrittene F. Winkler Tue 14:30-16:00 T 711
326.218 Kommutative Algebra und Algebraische Geometrie F. Winkler Tue 16:15-17:45 T 212
326.002 Überblick Symbolic Computation F. Winkler Thu 12:00-13:30 HS 13
326.834 Project Seminar (SS) "Parallel and Distributed Software and Algorithms" W. Schreiner Thu 16:30-18:00 Hagenberg
326.806 Project Seminar (SS) "Computeralgebra" F. Winkler Thu 14:30-16:00 Hagenberg
326.050 Vortragsreihe Symbolic Computation F. Winkler Mon 13:30-14:30 Hagenberg
326.754 Literaturseminar Computer Algebra II F. Winkler To be agreed To be agreed
326.762 Programmierprojekt Computer Algebra II (PR5) F. Winkler To be agreed To be agreed
326.704 Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar II F. Winkler To be agreed To be agreed
326.808 Projekt Seminar (SS): Algorithmische Kombinatorik P. Paule Wed 15:00-17:00 HA 105
326.712 Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar II P. Paule To be agreed To be agreed
326.102 Logic II for Mathematicians and Computer Scientists J. Schicho to be agreed to be agreed
326.172 Algorithmic Proof Theory M. Baaz Fri 15.00-18.30, every two weeks T 711
326.254 Algebraic Geometry 2 G. Landsmann Mon 16:15-17:45 UC 5
326.256 Programming in MATHEMATICA (PR) W. Windsteiger to be agreed to be agreed
326.262 Learning and Teaching Mathematics with the CAS-Calculator TI-89/92 (VU) B. Kutzler Blocked, Thu 14:00 - 16:00, Thu 16:00 - 18:00 BA 9911, BA 9908
326.272 Elimination Theory D. Wang Blocked to be agreed
326.306 Decidability- and Complexity Classes H. Rolletschek Thur 8:30-10:00 K 123A
326.406 Geometric Foundations for Symbolic Computation S. Stifter Wed 8:30-10:00 K 112 A
326.408 Geometric Foundations for Symbolic Computation (UE) S. Stifter to be agreed to be agreed
326.432 Virtual Environments: Visualization and Simulation H. Mayr Tue 8:30-10:00 T 711
326.506 Formal Specification and Verification H. Rolletschek Thu 10:15-11:45 K 009 D
326.512 Functional Programming (LISP) (VU) T. Jebelean First lecture on April 17, 16:15 KG 712
326.616 Parallel Algorithms in Symbolic Computation T. Jebelean First lecture on April 19, 10:15 K 123A
324.745 Algebraic Spline Curves and Surfaces B. Jüttler, J. Schicho To be agreed To be agreed
326.010 Thinking, Speaking, Writing (General Working Technique for Mathematicians and Computer Scientists) B. Buchberger Fri 13:00-14:30 HA 105
326.020 English for Diploma- and Doctoral Students (VU) Gregory Curtis to be agreed to be agreed
326.752 Literature Seminar Symbolic Computation II B. Buchberger and assistant to be agreed to be agreed
326.758 Programming Project Symbolic Computation II (PR5) B. Buchberger and assistant, to be agreed to be agreed
326.702 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students II (Symbolic Computation) B. Buchberger and assistant Mon 13.30-15.00 HA 105
326.704 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students II (Computer Algebra) F. Winkler to be agreed to be agreed
326.708 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students II (Algorithm Theory) H. Rolletschek to be agreed to be agreed
326.824 Project Seminar (SS): Automatic Theorem Proving (Theorema Project) B. Buchberger , T. Jebelean to be agreed to be agreed
326.826 Project Seminar (SS): Geometry and Modelling B. Buchberger , H. Mayr to be agreed to be agreed
326.872 Project Seminar (SS): Logic and Set Theory J. Schicho , H. Rolletschek to be agreed to be agreed

Maintainer: The System Administration
Last Modification: September 3, 2002

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