Elimination Theory

Dongming Wang

315.452 - Summer 1997
Block course to be held in June 1997
Time and location to be announced

Elimination Theory - the theory of eliminating unknowns from systems of multivariate polynomials - is a classical subject of mathematics that has been studied and extended in the field of symbolic computation and that has numerous applications (e.g., solving algebraic equations, geometric theorem proving, computational algebraic geometry and CAGD). Examples of well-established elimination theory are the theory of resultants, of characteristic sets and of Gröbner bases. This course will provide an introduction to the above-mentioned theory and methods as well as several new developments on the subject with an aim at studying the zero structure of polynomial systems. The contents of the 6 blocked lectures for the course are as follows: Material for the course will be taken from the preliminary version of a book on Elimination Methods by the lecturer. Anyone planning to attend the course is asked to send a note to Dongming.Wang@risc.uni-linz.ac.at as early as possible.

Thu Mar 13 16:57:07 MET 1997