Data-Structures and Paradigms in Computational Geometry

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315.528, SS 1997
All lectures will take place in March and April.
First lecture on Wednesday 12 March 1997, 9 - 11.30 AM., Rittersaal at castle Hagenberg,
Second lecture on Monday 17 March 1997, 9 - 11.30 AM., in UFO at castle Hagenberg
Third lecture on Tuesday 8 April 1997, 1 - 3.40 PM., at castle Hagenberg
Fourth lecture on Monday 14 April 1997, 2.30 - 4.30 PM., at castle Hagenberg
Fifth lecture on Monday 28 April 1997, 2.30 - 4.30 PM., at castle Hagenberg
Sixth lecture on Monday 5 May 1997, 3.30 - 5.30 PM., at castle Hagenberg
Seventh lecture on ?
Alternatives: Written examination on ? - Programming examination till ?
draft version of lecture notes
lecturer: Carl Van Geem

Computational Geometry (CG) is a field wherein data structures to represent geometrical objects play an important role. Also some particular paradigms are used frequently in CG. The course "Datastructures and Paradigms in Computational Geometry" is dedicated to this aspect of doing geometry by computer.

Currently a C++ library of algorithms for Computational Geometry called CGAL is built at RISC-Linz in cooperation with 6 other universities in Europe and Israel. Since only few attempts were made before to build such a library, CGAL is a good reference for the latest developments in the area of CG. Experiences gained recently in the development process of CGAL form a basis for this course.

The content of the course:

Maintained by: Carl Van Geem
Last Modification: April 28, 1997

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