
The workshop welcomes submissions in two categories: Submissions undergo a standard reviewing process by the program committee.

Submission Details

LaTeX users please use the following settings in your document's preamble:
\textwidth 14.63cm
\textheight 22cm
\oddsidemargin 0.65cm
\evensidemargin 0.65cm
\topmargin 0.55cm
\headheight 0.0pt
\headsep 0.0pt
Submission file(s):

Typesetting systems different from LaTeX may be used if this serves a special purpose, e.g. to present new systems or methods for computer-supported mathematical presentation.

Submission file(s): Authors who intend to make use of this possibility please contact the workshop oranizers directly to arrange for your case.

In either case electronic submission is obligatory. Send email to the workshop oranizers with your submission file(s) as attachment. The sender address of this email will be used as the electronic contact address, the body of the mail must indicate the category of your submission ("full paper" or "work in progress").